I have created a very deliberate plan of attack...the website WILL work and be fully updateable utilizing blogger technology on each page by June 14th. Whether this will be possible yet is something yet to be seen. It's raining here on the 28th of May! What the hell is going on? I want sunshine - this is crap. Forget Oregon I'm all about the Cali sunshine this summer. My dorm has no AC and it's hot and sticky and humid, everything I don't like in weather.
Tuesday, May 28, 2002
I have no idea what is happening here: I am panic-...
This is a great article from the British Media Gua...
Im having difficulty once again getting the whole ...
Yay! Everything looks good on the home page-Please...
Speaking of Sartre...
This conversation is priceless:helloneuman50: have...
NPR Rocks my world. Who would have thought "All Th...
Just got back from classes, I am exhausted. Must s...
"You know who he looks like: Joseph Kennedy!" - Da...
Decided to skip PR and nap. I dont like being sick...
Other blogs of note
Eric Neuman To infinity and beyond
So maybe it is rocket science - this brother does it all with style.
Jeffrey Morgenthaler: Eugene mixologist
The progenitor of the Richmond Gimlet has got some great spirits and tips up his sleeve.
Jess Mauer Gone Native
Read what happens when an Alaska native drops Portland for the tropics.
Dahvi Shira: LA-la Land
My old classmate now find herself working the red carpet.
Brownie Points: PDX Foodie Heaven
If you must read a Portland food blogger (and there's lots) read this.
Stuff Designers Like: Style and mirth
Who says life isn't pretty? It's a hot new project I'm putting together.

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