Tuesday, November 12, 2002

Ok I have 26 sources done (out of 35) for info hell and I will finish. As Kellee put it "The goal of this class is to fall down dead one step over the finish line." So here goes I'm in the final mile and I am totally dying - plus I have like no time for life or friends. Blah to journalism.

Friday, November 01, 2002

I've been kinda burned out on blogging for some weird reason, I dunno. It's probably because of this god-damn info-hell journalism class and all the damn writhing I have to do for it. It just sucks up my creative energy. So I haven't been blogging and worst of all I haven't been working on my book. I know it's cliche to have a novel in college (because everyone does) but usually I love it. For the first couple weeks of school I was flying through ten pages of original character development a night and now I'm having trouble breaking the hundred page mark. I think this is what is meant by "critical juncture" because I am kind of stuck on this chapter because quite frankly I'm afraid to write it. The chapter in question sets the main plot into play and I keep thinking that if I botch it now the whole damn thing will be ruined and all my characters will crumble (no, I am not paranoid, they're very delicate). Ahhhh I am a nerd.

Also- apparently Maroon5 has been featured on a Mavi Jeans commercial. I find this amusing/disturbing. I have yet to see it but I hear they use "This Love" which is one of my favorite songs off of "Songs About Jane."

Kevin Smith is keeping a weekly blog of the production of his new movie with Jenifer Lopez, Affleck (What a shock there),George Carlin, and Jason Biggs. It's entitled "The Jersey Girl" and I dare say it looks good. At any rate Smith's blog is chock full of fun stuff and everyone should read it.

Other blogs of note

  • Eric Neuman To infinity and beyond

    So maybe it is rocket science - this brother does it all with style.

  • Jeffrey Morgenthaler: Eugene mixologist

    The progenitor of the Richmond Gimlet has got some great spirits and tips up his sleeve.

  • Jess Mauer Gone Native

    Read what happens when an Alaska native drops Portland for the tropics.

  • Dahvi Shira: LA-la Land

    My old classmate now find herself working the red carpet.

  • Brownie Points: PDX Foodie Heaven

    If you must read a Portland food blogger (and there's lots) read this.

  • Stuff Designers Like: Style and mirth

    Who says life isn't pretty? It's a hot new project I'm putting together.