Tuesday, October 19, 2004

I am a genius of words...
I had the best idea for a T-shirt last night. It will read: "Normal is a cycle on a washing machine, not a lifestyle."

Monday, October 18, 2004

Mr. Clean
Sometimes the dishes pile up in the sink and the dust gets thick on the shelves and the lint on the bathroom floor starts acumulatingand sometimes - just sometimes I get an uncontrollable desire to clean in a massive frenzied way. Today I got up at 8:30, skipped my shower, and hurried into the office to make an early meeting. I decided that I felt scuzzy and I needed to get dressed nicely for a dinner I have at 6 so I went home intending to take a shower and put on a shirt and tie. What was intended as a 40 minute hiatus turned into a a cleaning binge. The upside, disregarding the dish-pan hands, is that my apartment is now fantastically clean which makes me pretty happy.

Friday, October 08, 2004

Ani - me?
Japanese cartoons are perhaps the best/worst form of entertainment in the world. Trouble is, I can't decide if it's the best bad entertainment or it's the worst good entertainment. Luuuuppppin!

Tuesday, October 05, 2004

I hope to god that people actually go out and vote in this election, it would probably completely shatter my belief in America if Bush were to be relected. This country is competely corrupt and while I don't think John Kerry is the one to really clean it up, he's a step in the right direction, but I just don't know how I will handle another term of death and destruction from Senior Arbusta. It seems like young citizens are really riled up and are going to go vote, but that just might be because I live on a college campus.

Sunday, October 03, 2004

Hello, Pulitzer? It's me Steven...
One week into school and we're onto the publiction of pour sixth issue of the Daily Emerald and I am still alive. After what was essentially two weeks of non-stop work on Jen and my behalf thing have finally started coming together without us needing to feel like we are micromanaging. Saturday was the first day in three weeks I hadn't done anything related to the Emerald and the resat was MUCH needed. So far the paper has exceeded my expectations, for the most part the front page color has been good and our election coverage and new design are — well — stunning. On Friday we were getting calls to the front desk just to tell us how great the paper was, and as anyone who has ever worked in a newspaper can tell you — that kind of thing NEVER happens. It's 8:20ish now and it looks like we're going to send the paper to bed for the first time (last week our first paper went to bed at 4am, although it was a whopping 20 pages of solid content).

Also, Mt. St. Helens is most likely gonna blow so this will probably be like the most exciting few weeks of publishing ever: election, disaster, local stuff and now international news wire from the AP. It just doesn't get any better than this kids.

Other blogs of note

  • Eric Neuman To infinity and beyond

    So maybe it is rocket science - this brother does it all with style.

  • Jeffrey Morgenthaler: Eugene mixologist

    The progenitor of the Richmond Gimlet has got some great spirits and tips up his sleeve.

  • Jess Mauer Gone Native

    Read what happens when an Alaska native drops Portland for the tropics.

  • Dahvi Shira: LA-la Land

    My old classmate now find herself working the red carpet.

  • Brownie Points: PDX Foodie Heaven

    If you must read a Portland food blogger (and there's lots) read this.

  • Stuff Designers Like: Style and mirth

    Who says life isn't pretty? It's a hot new project I'm putting together.