Monday, May 19, 2003

Mr. Blue Sky
It has been so nice, I've been "lawning" like crazy. I know it's spring pretty much everywhere (assuming you live in the Northern Hemisphere) but in Eugene this means a whole lot more because it's nasty and rainy all winter and then suddenly it's glorious glorious spring with wildflowers and blue skies and the warm touch of sun on your skin and the smell of cut grass and the kiss of cool iced tea sunset evenings on your lips. Yesterday I convinced Mary to come with me and drink lukewarm cheap beer on the lawn behind the library. Last week I got Cory to cut French with me and we just soaked up the sun for a few hours. Needless to say I am shaping up to be a very bad influence. I actually think I'm getting a tan, which is pleasant and simultaneously disturbing considering I'm deathly afraid of cancer. Fuck Cancer.

I think I'm going to end up going on a date this weekend which is freaking me out because I haven't been on one in like 9 months. To make it even jucier, I don't even know this girl. I got her number at Dana's "Anything But Clothes Party" last friday, and the extent of knowledge i know about her is limited to age, school, name (first only), phone numer, and maybe hair color (I'm not totally sure on that one).
I need to go write my Film and Politics paper, but blah to the blah extreme. I think I'm gonna go walk home.

Yes My computer is still broke.
Yes I am going to kill those damn tech guys.

Friday, May 16, 2003

Hyperbole Reloaded:
I saw the new Matrix movie last night and all I have to say is daymn! When does the next one come out. Jess wasn't so impressed, she enjoyed X2 better ( I totally disagree, X2 is like junk food compared to the caviar of the Matrix). She basically thought that a few points in the movie stretched her disbelief too much (I won't ruin it, but for those of you who've seen it it has to do with the heart) and she lost intrest. I understand, I'm a bit conflicted myself, I liked it but it just wasn't what I was expecting. I just want to see the whole damn thing over again, there are a lot of scenes that are just pure exposition, and I didn't get all the details I'm sure. One cool thing I will talk about is how awesome it is that Ghosts and Zombies and Vampires are the results of corrupted programs creating corrupted files. The movie also brought up some interesting concepts about just how imperfect and human-like the machines really are.
Aside from all the philosophy the movie is visually stunning, and the special effects were just damn crazy.
may 16 03 1234

Monday, May 12, 2003

I have theory (tentatively to be known as the Steven Neuman Unified Theory of Incrimental Sinus-Related Aging). Every now and then I'll be walking along and it will be all lovely and sunny, and I will suddenly sneeze. Not just any sneeze, or a fit of little sneezes, or even a drippy snotty cold sneeze. It is a DEATH SNEEZE. One singularly powerful sneeze that causes every muscle in your body to contort and tighten like a massive cramp, it whips your neck forward, and makes you squeeze your eyes shut tight. The aftermath is usually shock, a slight amazement from bystanders, and an overall pain in all regions of the corpus. Usually these sneezes are totally unprovoked, they come out of nowhere, and here we get to the crux of the theory: these sneezes are what bring us one step closer to death, they are the ticks of the second hand on our biological clocks, inching us ever closer to our inevitable doom. The death sneeze is unavoidable (as is death) but it's just something to think about. may 12 03 530

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