Monday, February 12, 2007

Filthy floors are so hip right now

If I hada nickel for every time I found something surprising, intriguing and downright amazing in the New York Times I would be a rich man. Today, it was something totally new: dirt floors in modern homes. My first reaction - blech.

And then I saw the pictures.

The rich mahogany with a warm glow and soft shine instantly won me over to the mere notion of a "earthen floor." Now, this isn't exactly your great-great grandfather's mud, it's somewhat concretified with lime and sand and then sealed with linseed oil and beeswax. I'm not saying this is for everyone, but as a frequent reader of the great eco-design blog Inhabitat I have to admit I'd seriously thinking that mud might have just trumped bamboo as the hippest most earth friendly flooring material this side of the grass mat.

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