Friday, May 31, 2002

So I'm sitting here trying to show Dahvi all this blogger stuff, she's not getting it, but she will! Sunshine in Oregon today, which is making me happy. Spoke to Professor Crosswhite who's going to give me an extension for the class because I was sick. More later.

Wednesday, May 29, 2002

Ok, hellish day. I am exhausted, my body is recuperating but in doing so it is zapping all my energy, which makes me feel like crapola. I am currently entranced by all the Disco-House music that Dahvi downloaded onto my computer, I find it slightly intoxicating. More later, must sleep.
9:30 am! I am awake, this is a sure sign that the mono is loosing the battle to my mighty immune system. I'm off to Public Relations for like the first time in a thousand year (there's 'yer hyperbole dose for the day). I still must speak to Professor Tom Bivins, and Prof Crosswhote about my progress in their classes, which has been dismal due to my mono absences.

Tuesday, May 28, 2002

Check out Heeb magazine, very funny! I'm submitting some work to them and might hopefully get something published with them (for no money, ahh c'est la vie).
916p may 28 02
I'm pretty sure that the current actions of the University of Oregon against the Greek system are not only illegal but are sure to not only worsen the "health" of the already faltering Greek houses here in Eugene, but to increase problem with underage drinking. The Oregon Daily Emerald ran a thoughtful piece which was a little pro-Greek but still remained true to it's unbiased news department. They really should just run an editorial, honestly, I love the Emerald but they're always two weeks behind any issue that racks the campus with controversy, I'm inclined to believe they just hold out because they don't want to go out on a limb and appear wrong later. For more on lowering the drinking age and youth rights.
I cannot believe this whole Chandra Levy thing. Ridiculous! I am inclined to believe that Condit is just a scumbag, but quite frankly I don't swallow MSNBC propaganda too easily. Besides, I don't think Condit is smart enough to pull this kind of thing off without getting caught immediately, he's not exactly a Washington big-shot - Clinton was and he got caught.
All the pages are implanted with blogger script so everything should be peachy keen from now on.
I have created a very deliberate plan of attack...the website WILL work and be fully updateable utilizing blogger technology on each page by June 14th. Whether this will be possible yet is something yet to be seen. It's raining here on the 28th of May! What the hell is going on? I want sunshine - this is crap. Forget Oregon I'm all about the Cali sunshine this summer. My dorm has no AC and it's hot and sticky and humid, everything I don't like in weather.
I have no idea what is happening here: I am panic-stricken at the thought that my website is entirely un-usable. I dunno. I love the blog technology but it can be a pain in the ass, whatever.
This is a great article from the British Media Guardian on the new medium of blog-reporting. The article itself centers around the O'Reilly Emerging Technology conference, in Santa Clara, Ca which took place from May 13th -16th. The O'Reilly Confrence has a press room website.

Tuesday, May 21, 2002

Im having difficulty once again getting the whole blog thing to work and I am frustrated.
Yay! Everything looks good on the home page-Please enjoy this page and this page alone for the moment, because nothing else works.

Monday, May 20, 2002

Speaking of Sartre...
This is perhaps the funniest thing I have ever read, a fictionalized account of Sartre's attempts to create a cookbook. Hil-ar-i!
This conversation is priceless:
helloneuman50: have you heard of blogging?
nerrd rocker: pfffffft
nerrd rocker: yeah
nerrd rocker: say it outloud
helloneuman50: was that like a "pish-aw"
nerrd rocker: yeah
helloneuman50: ok sorry
nerrd rocker: haha
nerrd rocker: it's okay
helloneuman50: I'm very fond of it
helloneuman50: I figured u would know seeing as ur such a computer geek
helloneuman50: hahaha
nerrd rocker: yeah
helloneuman50: it's good stuff
NPR Rocks my world. Who would have thought "All Things Considered..." could be so interesting?
Just got back from classes, I am exhausted. Must sleep for now. Sleep, which knits up the unraveled sleeve of the mind.
"You know who he looks like: Joseph Kennedy!" - Dahvi's mother (Hildie Fischer) commenting on a postcard featuring an image of one Jean-Paul Sartre. In my opnion he looked like FDR. Good stuff.
Decided to skip PR and nap. I dont like being sick - I don't like it when I'm sick for a few days - but several weeks this is out of control. Current Mood: Tired
Woke up at 5 am, everything hurts (all medicines have worn off) leaving me congested, cranky, and coughing up phlem. After a half hour of re-administration I feel normal, abeit tired so I went back to bed. Was woken up by my phone a half second before my alarm went off; Mom had spoken to some woman named Bunny (who gets named Bunny?) who nwas going to help me negotiate with my professors about me being sick, and she seemed very helpful. Must go to class. Toast. Current Mood: Optimistic
I am sick, very, very sick, after a lovely afternoon in the hospital a blood test determined that I have - guess what! - Infectious Mononucleuosis! Alright! So I feel like crap, that's nothing new because I have been feeling like crap for three weeks, my one savior is that i think I may have figured out how to use this damn blogger system.

Friday, May 17, 2002

hey i hope this works

Thursday, May 02, 2002

So my webpage is currently straddling two servers and all the buttons are fucked up, but hey who cares?
I hope the archive link will work
1038a may 20 02

Wednesday, May 01, 2002

Guess this is just a blogger day for Dahvi's computer, it's getting kinda late I'm enjoying a little bit 'o' the Go Soundtrack, whilst Ariel and Dahvi obtain some juice from the basement vending machines.

Other blogs of note

  • Eric Neuman To infinity and beyond

    So maybe it is rocket science - this brother does it all with style.

  • Jeffrey Morgenthaler: Eugene mixologist

    The progenitor of the Richmond Gimlet has got some great spirits and tips up his sleeve.

  • Jess Mauer Gone Native

    Read what happens when an Alaska native drops Portland for the tropics.

  • Dahvi Shira: LA-la Land

    My old classmate now find herself working the red carpet.

  • Brownie Points: PDX Foodie Heaven

    If you must read a Portland food blogger (and there's lots) read this.

  • Stuff Designers Like: Style and mirth

    Who says life isn't pretty? It's a hot new project I'm putting together.