Tuesday, June 29, 2004

It's about Time
I have been reading some people's Xangas and blogs and I realized that when people have nothing to really talk about on their web-journals, they say everything and anything. The cummulative effect is something that is like literary diherea, people writing about every minute detail of their lives in superb boring detail. They don't voice any opinions or make any sort of attempt at commentary or storytelling - they just vomit up everything from brushing their teeth to their sex habits and expect it to be enthralling. Somehow people seem to have latched onto this phenomenon and, quite frankly, I blame Sarah Jessica Parker and the cunningly dumb writing of Sex and the City. These two factors seem to have convinced America that as long as you had a laptop and a few sour apple martinis around midnight, anything you trip out onto the keys will be Voltaire. I beg to differ.

On a different note: do you ever meet someone and think you know them, but then time passes and then the space of time allows you to see them in a completely different light (in this case a positive one). I find myself in this very situation with an old friend and I cannot be sure if it is I, who has softened, or she, who has matured. Possibly both.

Completely Unrelated to both previous topics: I miss Dahvi, the girl drives me crazy but she has gotten into my blood or something. Also, I would like to state for the record that although Dahvi recounts her life in detail on Melo she knows how to write a story. See her journal for a good example of how to write about everything and still be interesting.

Sunday, June 27, 2004

Back in Dub-C
I have returned to the city of my youth, to the gloriously vibrant blue skies, the rich golden yellow hills dotted with pecks of gnarled green oak trees, and most importantly — SUN. Yes, I am alive and well and happy as all sin to be doing absolutely nothing while on sabatical (doesn't that sound nicer the vacation or hiatus?) at my parents domicile in Northern California. For the most part I have been laying around in the sun reading books (Bill Clinton's is the current pick) and going into the city for little thrills of urban excitement. Mostly I have been biding my time until my twenty-first birthday, which is just four days away (July 2nd starts at midnight). So everything is going well, and I expect to return to Eugene well rested and damn happy.

Friday, June 04, 2004

Its Sum-sum-sumertime....
It's so nice in Eugene right now, and I now have a load of delishious new books that I bought in Ashland to read. 1) Eats, Shoots and Leaves by Lynne Truss 2) When the Women Come Out to Dance by Elmore Leonard 3) Middlesex by Jeffrey Eugenides, and 4)The Paris Review Book Heartbreak, Madness, Sex, Love, Betrayal, Outsiders, Intoxication, War, Whimsy, Horrors, God, Death, Dinner, Baseball, Travels, The art of writing and everything else in the world since 1953. Fun times. good literature, I am happy.

Other blogs of note

  • Eric Neuman To infinity and beyond

    So maybe it is rocket science - this brother does it all with style.

  • Jeffrey Morgenthaler: Eugene mixologist

    The progenitor of the Richmond Gimlet has got some great spirits and tips up his sleeve.

  • Jess Mauer Gone Native

    Read what happens when an Alaska native drops Portland for the tropics.

  • Dahvi Shira: LA-la Land

    My old classmate now find herself working the red carpet.

  • Brownie Points: PDX Foodie Heaven

    If you must read a Portland food blogger (and there's lots) read this.

  • Stuff Designers Like: Style and mirth

    Who says life isn't pretty? It's a hot new project I'm putting together.