Wednesday, July 03, 2002

God damn the weather! Here's the problem with living in the San Francisco Bay Area: it has somewhere around twenty diffrent climates in one regional metropolitan area. Case in point is my experience today. I wake up to a lovely sunny morning in Walnut Creek (about 20 mins East of Berkeley) the weather is fair and somewhere around 60 degrees already. Expecting it to be warm but still cooler in the city I don a long-sleeved shirt, khakis, and sandals. I board my BART train only to emerge from the Montgomery St. station to a over-cast cloud-ridden sky which drizzles precariously on my head. In the end I suppose it's fine because I was going to buy some sort of light canvas jacket today, but that's not the point.

Also - what happened to my Netherlandians? Why haven't they signed the guestbook? These questions haunt my mind.


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