Monday, October 28, 2002
I did nothing all day long and now I have to get up early tomorrow and do my HW for class. Blah to life. Drinking is the biggest double-edged sword on the world - you feel great for the night and like crap the next day, perhaps this is why college students are encouraged not to become alcholics. I am listening to old-school shakira and wondering who the hell the new Shakira is, total invasion of the body snatchers, she sounded better in Spanish; sorry Shakira.
Sunday, October 27, 2002
I read that Blogger was hit by some hackers who were not very good at hiding their tracks. What I want to know is why they hit blogger, what do they have that's useful.
Tuesday, October 22, 2002
Good Fixes
So while I have not had my computer I have been forced to utilize a lot of macs, and as much as I despise them, I noticed that some of the website wasn't coming through right (especially on the main page) so I did a little work and presto - good as new.
I was up until two thirty in the morning last night finishing up my info-hell warm-up, but I was surprised to find this morning that I really wasn't as tired as I should have been. I got an email from Ben Kweller's site about the upcoming tour and much to my chagrin he is not coming to the west coast at all! While I am upset I have faith that he will come visit out here on the next tour. Also- I am so upset that I won't be home in the next few weeks because Alton Brown (star of Food Network's "Good Eats") is doing some book signing in the bay area and Los Gatos.
Last night I reached a historic point in my writhing career: I finished my first fifty pages of my first novel, which proves to me that I will be able to finish it. Yeah for me! Now if only I can find a publisher.
I was up until two thirty in the morning last night finishing up my info-hell warm-up, but I was surprised to find this morning that I really wasn't as tired as I should have been. I got an email from Ben Kweller's site about the upcoming tour and much to my chagrin he is not coming to the west coast at all! While I am upset I have faith that he will come visit out here on the next tour. Also- I am so upset that I won't be home in the next few weeks because Alton Brown (star of Food Network's "Good Eats") is doing some book signing in the bay area and Los Gatos.
Last night I reached a historic point in my writhing career: I finished my first fifty pages of my first novel, which proves to me that I will be able to finish it. Yeah for me! Now if only I can find a publisher.
Morning bliss
I played baseball yesterday and made soup, a very productive day if you ask me. The baseball, a happy game of catch with Jess in front of PLC. The soup, a delicious Hungarian Mushroom soup from the the Moosewood cookbook, if you have the means I highly recommend picking some up.
I am once again connected to the internet and I am downloading music like the fiend I am. Unfortunately for the last month I have had to listen to my CDs, LP's or the radio but now I am free to listen to obscure little rock bands that make me feel special. The result: I have a new favorite obsession, the band Yellow Card just kicks ass. They're not particularly innovative, but I'm enjoying it much, muchos gracias to Jackie for turning me onto them.
Recently I have developed an unhealthy relationship with the cable channel TLC and the Food Network (just ask my roommate). I'm not so concerned with the Food Network because it seems that there are many other addicts out there. It's really the TLC that scares me. I just find the shows so damn funny. I swear Trading Spaces is the funniest thing in the world, am I the only one seeing this? It's like a sitcom to me. Hehehe, I feel pathetic.
I'm going to Emily Peterson's Halloween party, I dunno it sounds like fun.
I am once again connected to the internet and I am downloading music like the fiend I am. Unfortunately for the last month I have had to listen to my CDs, LP's or the radio but now I am free to listen to obscure little rock bands that make me feel special. The result: I have a new favorite obsession, the band Yellow Card just kicks ass. They're not particularly innovative, but I'm enjoying it much, muchos gracias to Jackie for turning me onto them.
Recently I have developed an unhealthy relationship with the cable channel TLC and the Food Network (just ask my roommate). I'm not so concerned with the Food Network because it seems that there are many other addicts out there. It's really the TLC that scares me. I just find the shows so damn funny. I swear Trading Spaces is the funniest thing in the world, am I the only one seeing this? It's like a sitcom to me. Hehehe, I feel pathetic.
I'm going to Emily Peterson's Halloween party, I dunno it sounds like fun.
Saturday, October 19, 2002
The Triumphant Return
Yeah, so I haven't been posting, but never fear, I will make a great return on October 24th when my internet is finally hooked-up. Like McAurthur returning to Japan, Napoleon leaving Elba, or John Cougar changing his name back to Melloncamp, this will be a triumphant return to my recently neglected blog.
I had a pretty good day, Jess treated me to delicious lunch at the Cinema Cafe. I have to go now to pick up D, but I shall return!
I had a pretty good day, Jess treated me to delicious lunch at the Cinema Cafe. I have to go now to pick up D, but I shall return!
Tuesday, October 15, 2002
Ahh, I am going crazy without internet, I'm posting for the first time in forever. I won't even have the net in my apt. until the 24th of October. Other than that the college life is pleasant, I'm still having a good time and isn't hat what's really important? There will be more later, I have to stop now because I can't stand typing on Jess' damn Mac laptop. Later Gator.
1242p oct 15 02
1242p oct 15 02
Looking back on a quick decade
This Ad campaign might be brilliant
The Gray Lady returns in 2.0?
The 20th Century goes Digital
Comcast: Worst UI Design Ever?
Who's Sadr's graphic designer?
Winter Grapefruit Sorbet
Auntie's New Newsletter
The Scoop on Scratch
Vocab is way too fun
Other blogs of note
Eric Neuman To infinity and beyond
So maybe it is rocket science - this brother does it all with style.
Jeffrey Morgenthaler: Eugene mixologist
The progenitor of the Richmond Gimlet has got some great spirits and tips up his sleeve.
Jess Mauer Gone Native
Read what happens when an Alaska native drops Portland for the tropics.
Dahvi Shira: LA-la Land
My old classmate now find herself working the red carpet.
Brownie Points: PDX Foodie Heaven
If you must read a Portland food blogger (and there's lots) read this.
Stuff Designers Like: Style and mirth
Who says life isn't pretty? It's a hot new project I'm putting together.

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