Tuesday, May 17, 2005

Star Wars Episode III: Revenge of the Sith - my review
Yes, I saw the movie and my review is available at www.dailyemerald.com (where you can also view a PDF of the front cover of our Ent. Section) or you could just click the link.
Don't worry, no spoilers. I saw this movie two weeks ago, and I was floored.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

I thought it rocked, the action was so intense, and now we finally know what went down.

4:40 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...


I just wanted to write a quick note and say I really enjoyed your review of
the movie. I read it line-by-line so as to have advanced warning for
spoilers, of which there were none. I appreciate that, and I think you could
give some "professional" movie reviewers lessons about how to get the idea
and tone of a movie across without revealing anything important.

Excellent job.

Take care,

R Nesmith

(I am a die hard StarWars fan, but I won't cop to owning any costumes ...)

3:10 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Dear Steven,

Great review on Episode III.



Wayne E. Yang

3:11 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi SN. Like you, i have no deep interest in star wars, but writing is something i follow.

You’re a good writer, but you’re making a mistake a lot of young writers make: ie, trying to slip a cute expression or quip into almost every sentence. You are obviously smart enough to think of these lines, now be smart enough not to use them at every opportunity. They cause the reader to shift attention from what you are saying, to how you are saying it. Either, “get ready, here comes another one”, or “golly, he didn’t make joke for a change, wonder why not?” neither is good for you.

Some quips work to keep a reader’s attention, but too many dilute. We know you can write. Now, just write.

All the best, edp.

3:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hi SN. Like you, i have no deep interest in star wars, but writing is something i follow.

You’re a good writer, but you’re making a mistake a lot of young writers make: ie, trying to slip a cute expression or quip into almost every sentence. You are obviously smart enough to think of these lines, now be smart enough not to use them at every opportunity. They cause the reader to shift attention from what you are saying, to how you are saying it. Either, “get ready, here comes another one”, or “golly, he didn’t make joke for a change, wonder why not?” neither is good for you.

Some quips work to keep a reader’s attention, but too many dilute. We know you can write. Now, just write.

All the best, edp.

3:12 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

the espresso machine part

9:24 PM  

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