Midsummer reading update
Here's what I've been reading since we last chatted literature...

The Final Days, the second Watergate book by W&B is not nearly as snappy as the first. I have found the reading much slower. Breakfast at Tiffany's is classic summer reading; light, pleasurable, but not fluffy.

I finished Harry Potter in two days flat - this was the best one yet. Eragon is next on the list.

I finished Harry Potter in two days flat - this was the best one yet. Eragon is next on the list.
Harry in two days? Nuts!
I've got about 30 pages left... its been giving me some horribly up late reading nights.
My Sweets has been sitting next to me keeping me good company though (gawd- think we're turning into an old couple- reading in bed together!). I kind of forced Tony Bourdain's books on him. Kitchen Confidential was finished monday and he's now laughing his way through A Cook's Tour. Both recommended!
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