The New York Times > Washington > Army to Call Up Recruits Earlier So this has me scared shitless. I know everyone looks at me like I'm the crazy person on the bus talking to themselves when I bring up the notion that someday, possibly very soon, the US Army is going to be streched so thin that there's going to be a draft. Unfortunately for me, Mr. Pacifist that I am, being in my mid-twenties and in good health might not be such a blessing in the event of a draft. So, in an effort of future preservation I'm planning on making an effort, albeit small, this weekend to draft up some statement or something and send it to myself in the mail which states how opposed I am to the very notion of war and violence. In this case, it's the little things that count.
Thursday, July 22, 2004
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Hey Steven, this is Brian. Just stopping by to say whats up. Give me a call sometime (503)369-2368.
Steven --
This is Jo. I can't get to this article because it has expired and now is in the pay-to-read section of the web site (Thanks to Kellee Weinhold for drilling it into my brain that "web site" is in fact, two words). In any case, there are currently congressional acts in place to reinstate the draft. It's not far away and the bills don't make it easy to become a conscientious objector. I'm too lazy to post links, but if you want to read these bills, google search HR 163 and S. 89. Scary shit. They're going to draft women as well. From what I've heard, both of these bills have bi-partisian support and more action will be taken on them after the election. Long story short -- my father met Dennis Kucinich, who told him all about these bills.
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