My second front page story

I spent yesterday in the field. There was a triple fatal car crash outside of Spokane in Mead, Wash. and I took a company car to go get some more information on the accident from any police remaining on the scene. What I received, instead, was enough personal information to write a real good article about who these poor kids who died. The photojournalism by Liz Kishimoto is fantastic.
I find one of the hardest things about being a journalist is striking the balance between being empathic and being driven to get the story. More...
In this case when I reached the site of the crash there was an makeshift funeral going on. The women were all extremely distraught and speaking Russian. There is a fine line between being driven and being a jerk.
At any rate Lyudmylda eventually was the only one left and finally called me over, the first thing she said was the first quote in the story.
Click the image to see the PDF.
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