Wednesday, January 24, 2007

Do you speak airport?
This seems like one of those *duh* types of things, but considering all the symbols we use on a daily basis (Just think about how you know the difference between the men's and women's restrooms) you have to wonder: Has a martini glass always been the symbol for a bar?

Well, actually - no.

The 50 standard iconic symbols we all know and love come from the AIGA, that's the American Institute for Graphic Arts - although they don't go by that name anymore. Before they got involved things were a bit messy in the world of symbols.

Every international event required copious multi-language signs, airports each had their own icons for baggage claim, highway signs were different for every state or even city. What few effective symbols did exist were often culturally and regionally specific. Then in 1974 the U.S. Dept. of Transportation got into the market for a new set of modern interstate highway symbols and they turned to AIGA:

"To develop such a system, AIGA and D.O.T. compiled an inventory of symbol systems that had been used in various locations worldwide, from airports and train stations to the Olympic Games. AIGA appointed a committee of five leading designers of environmental graphics, who evaluated the symbols and made recommendations for adapting or redesigning them. Based on their conclusions, a team of AIGA member designers produced the symbols."

Because they were commissioned by the government, the icons are available copyright free. The next time your looking for an elevator, or an ATM or dining options off the interstate ... give thanks.

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Anonymous Anonymous said...

This reminds me of when we were in Victoria, BC. We saw several different symbols indicating a dog going to the bathroom (with a line through it). We were thinking "how many ways can you express that through a black and white silhouette?!"

Interesting post. Also, I like the design. (And thanks for the input on the phone -- it's valuable to me, especially since you and I seem to gravitate toward the same kind of electronic coolness.)

6:29 AM  

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