Wednesday, October 15, 2003

In Between Life
So, I'm in between my Econ class (see blow for approriate rant) and Astronomy (which I likme because it's so easy i don't take notes, but just sit there surfing on the wireless network) and I have finally had a moment to myself for the first time in a long time. I read everyone's blog and wrote a little fiction for my creative writng course and now I am feeling deep contemplative.

I've been feeling old recently, and it's not just because all these freshmen just showed up, I think somehow I've broken through that wall where you stop being a kid and start becoming your parents. Conversations I've had recently just have this somber tone that they never had and as I read Jasmine's entry about doing all things "adult" I realized with growing horror that she is right. There is nothing I love more then listening to NPR on saturday morning and making coffee, I clean my toilet bowl not because it's breeding some alien being - but because it seems about time to do it, and if you had stopped into my studio this past week you would have found me baking bread from scratch. It's a bizzare phnomenon.


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