Monday, August 08, 2005

Adventures in DUI
A drunk driver hit my parked car on Saturday night. My poor 1997 Subaru wagon was badly scuffed when the police decided to pull over a drunken driver in front of my apartment, and the driver (being drunk) decided my car would be a perfect spot to park.

It all started when I saw police lights through my front windows. Being a reporter, I looked out and saw a squad car and a Chevy Corsica. Both cars stopped, then the Corsica driver made what can only be described as a half-assed attempt to parallel park - INTO MY CAR. When I heard the soft crunch I threw on some shoes and was on the street in five seconds flat. The driver was in the car, screaming at the police officer in Russian. Continued ...

As it turns out, this guy was a regular at the Elk restaurant across the street from my house. He was drunk and when he refused a taxi, saying he was going to sleep it off for a few hours in his car, and then started his car right away. The bartender then called 9-11. All that slurred, "I can't understand you," stuff turned out to be an act when the bartender revealed the man spoke perfect English.

So far, it's not looking like this shmuck has insurance. The police arrested him on DUI charges, and they couldn't find any insurance information in his car, which wasn't registered to him anyway. My insurance is on the job, but if the registered owner doesn't have insurance I have a $300 deducable.

UPDATE: The guy doesn't have email, but the registered owner of the car does, so I'm in the clear. Now they've just got to fix it.

Technorati: | | | |


Anonymous Anonymous said...

Ouch. If necesary, Butch is a registered donor for his twin, El Rojo you know what. But I hope it doesnt come to that. Thought you would like that last post.

12:52 PM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

"The Elk" is a breeding ground for potential DUI offenders. At least you made it out ok. I only say this because alot of the people i have defended started their nights there.

3:05 AM  

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