Friday, February 13, 2004

We Bid Wednesday Adieu
Today I barely made it through my physics of the internet class without falling asleep. Two hours of listening to my GTF (who apparently wears shorts even in dead of winter - it was 33 degrees when i left the house) talk about the diffrence between S-RAM and D-RAM is enought to kill any residual latte buzz.
As an upside people seem to have been responding positively to my column. Someone wanted to know if "breakfast Epiphanies" my column name was some allusion to "Breakfast at Tiffany's." I almost killed myself. (It comes from a classic Herb Caen column.

ALSO: World's Greatest Micheal Jackson dance party in the last half hour of work at the bookstore. Apparently, Emily can cut a rug despite amnesia regarding the "Billie Jean" music vid.


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