Monday, April 12, 2004

Sha Sha
New Ben Kweller album dropped, haven't gotten it yet but i'm looking forward to it. It was so nice in Eugene this weekend (easily in the 70's or 80's) and I was happy for a time. Now its monday and its cloudy and my ego is feeling less then stellar. In other news, the job at the paper is going well, stressful, but worth it and my brother has returned from Cleveland with a Case-Western sweatshirt in tow, so he'll probably be going there next year. I'm not sure how to react to this news - on the one hand I'm very proud of him, he rocks for getting himself into the school. On the other hand - I'm pretty bummed because he's that much farther away, I already miss seeing him big time and it is just exacerbated with him being in the the Midwest and me being in the PacNorthwest.


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