Look no further, the big G has just dropped the bomb on AOL Instant Messenger's parade. Google Talk, a new chat client, is now available for Windows download and can be used via iChat with few tweaks. There's a reason for that. Continued ...
Jordan Running over at Download Squad had all the gory details and a product review, but from the early look of it - this is going to be huge. Google Talk has basic IM capabilities, high-quality VoIP, complete integration with Gmail, and an ads-free interface.
Google is using an open protocol, Jabber, so you can access Google Talk's servers with any compatible client (aka iChat or Trillian). Already in the works: SIP support, potentially interoperability with Skype, AOL, and Yahoo!, and my favorite dream: a "joint search." This would allow two or more Google Talk buddies using Google to surf the web together. It's the future, baby.
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