Saturday, June 30, 2007

Greetings from Spokane
Getting here was terrible. Despite hours of built-in extra travel time I wasn't fully prepared to experience what is known as ODOT Hell. The 205 was slammed and traffic was intensely heavy - even at 2 in the afternoon - so I arrived at PDX at 3:45 with a flight scheduled to leave at 4 p.m. I was in full-on panic mode. So when I reached the front counter and the woman told me the flight was delayed a half hour I was thrilled. The first time in my life that a delay was useful.

As far as hospitality goes, this weekend has been unprecedented. I've had a blast hanging out with Shadra and meeting an entire crew of amazing Spokanites.

Also, I've been eating like a king in the best restaurants in town. Of course it was great to see the old favorites like Tom Bowers (who took Shadra and me to Hamburger Heaven - a superb joint in The Middle of Nowhere, Idaho) and Lacey Krause, but it was also a treat to meet Jenn and Remi. More to come ... check back later.

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