Northern Radio Exposure

So it was a pleasant surprise to stumble onto the CBC's "As It Happens." Yes, I inevitably run the risk of sounding like an American schmuck by saying how surprised I was by our Canadian neighbor's "All Things Considered"-esque news show. Aside from the evening runtime and radio medium it bears very little in common with its south-of-the-border cousin.

Last week AIH featured a nice little piece on the Canadian duck-calling champion. OK, I'm on board so far. Quirk is cool right now and I'm buying the story, but then Susan Off asks the guy to play his winning routine (keep in mind I'm wearing headphones) and he goes blasting off. This is not some short routine. It's two full minutes of piercing duck shrieks interspersed with the briefest of moments filled by more pleasing and normal soft quacks. This show is begging for an SNL parody.
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