Friday, April 23, 2004

The Dub-C Shout Out
Saw Laurie Kilmartin on Tough Crowd with Colin Quin on Comedy Central and was for the most part unamused by her whole shtick - until - she opened up a can of whoop-ass on Walnut Creek for being completely white bread and not preparing her with the proper insults for her current Harlem locales. It was inspired, but she was totally hateful. It was great.

I have worked hard this term then ever in my life with an average of 3-4 articles per week for the paper, a full courseload, and work at the bookstore two days a week. My editor at the paper is dancing tomorrow night at Africa Night, she's originally from Kenya (HOLY SHIT cool, eh?) so I'm looking forward to that, but a bout of the flu/allergies is making me have this dry cough and scratch throat. I gargled with saltwater and that worked for a while - now, however - I am salty and still feel like crap. God I bitch a lot. Sorry.


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